Frequently asked questions
To make it easier for you to find answers, we have collected and answered some of the most frequently asked questions about our products. If you have questions about specific buildings, please contact the person responsible for your building.

Frequently asked questions
To make it easier for you to find answers, we have collected and answered some of the most frequently asked questions about our products. If you have questions about specific buildings, please contact the person responsible for your building.
How do I register in the app?
You will receive an invitation link in your email. If you are only a guest, you can create a user yourself, if your employer has an agreement in the building, the tenant administrator must invite you in. This is usually one of your colleagues or the site manager in the building. Alternatively, you can ask for help in the canteen.
I have not received an invitation in my email
If you have not received an email from your employer with a link to download the app, you may not be on the employee list. Contact the site manager or building manager and send an email with your email address and which tenant you belong to. Alternatively, you can ask for help in the canteen.
Wrong version of the app
Forgot your password
If you have forgotten your password, you must press "forgot password" in the Izy app. You will then be sent a link by email. If you have not received a link within a few minutes, we recommend checking your spam folder.
The invitation link does not work
If you get the error message "Invitation token does not exist", you are using a link that is no longer active. Ask the site manager or the person responsible for the building to send you a new link. Alternatively, you can ask for help in the cafeteria.
My account
How do I change my password?
To change your password in the app, go to "Settings" > "Change password"
How do I get personal information?
Izy takes your privacy seriously. Go to: "Settings" > "Manage my data" > "Get a copy of my data" > "Download".
How do I change the language in the app?
Navigate to "Settings" > "Language", then select the language you want.
How do I add a payment card?
When you make a purchase in the app for the first time, you will be given the option to enter your payment card. When you enter it the first time, you can choose to save it for next time so you don't have to do it multiple times.
How do I get paid by invoice?
Invoice rights are controlled by your employer, please contact your employer to obtain invoice rights.
What do I do if the control image does not appear after I have paid?
There can be several reasons why the confirmation image sometimes does not appear after payment has been made. If you do not receive a confirmation image, a receipt for your purchase will still be saved, which can be found under "Payments" in the menu bar.
Why can't I add payments to an invoice?
If you are unable to set payments on invoice, you may not have the rights to do so. Check with your employer if this is an agreement between the service provider and the tenant.
House restaurant
I get the wrong price in the canteen
Have you logged in without following the link in the email invitation? Send an email with the username you registered with to the site manager at the building so they can connect you to the correct agreement. Alternatively, you can ask for help in the canteen.
Can not find what you are looking for?
Contact the site manager at your building. Contact information can be found on the building page in the app.
Alternatively, you can ask for help in the canteen.
Email for Landlord and service provider:
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Izy App
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